Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year for New Rules

My Rules For The Year:

1.Focus in school

2.No Slacking

3.No Spending Money on junk!

4.Limited Road Trips

5.Work Out!!!

Those are just a few, what do you want for this up-coming year?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mi Parque es Su Parque (My Park is Your Park)

Ever want to get away and take a walk so you can think about everything that is going on? Maybe just hang out with your friends or family but don’t know where to go? Well no problem because I’m going to introduce you to Medina Base Road Park.

This park is rather new with two assessable playgrounds that are surrounded by pebbles and each one has at least up to two slides. For the pavilion it comes with from four to six tables and two mini barbecue pits, which are scattered throughout the park. There is a .5 mile walking trail that is surrounded by trees that leads to Springvale Road which that turns into a neighborhood. The skating ramp is a good size area which has a few benches for people to sit and watch the skaters. This park also has limited amount of parking and for those who need the restroom, they have a porter potty. By the way for those animal lovers the pets have to stay out of the park. Those are the rules because the park doesn’t want to have any doggy-no nos.

What was informative about the park is that it’s in the District 4 area and has spent around $150, 000 for the skate plaza. That money also included the concrete pad and the portable skate equipment. So a nice amount of money was spent for a good quality park.

Myko Flores, 19, stated “I recently found out about this park from a friend and now I come here at least once a week. It’s very peaceful and kind of hidden, so its great to come with my girlfriend or bring my family, my little sisters love this park.” I agree, I found this place one night driving around just thinking about things and I didn’t even know where I was. I saw the park, told some friends about it. Now whenever we have no school and days off from work, we like to go to the park and have lunch and just hang out.

Josh Guerrero, 22, noted “I have a lot of problems at home so when I’m not working I bring my little brother James, 7 and my little sister Julie, 5 to the park because I don’t want them to be home when our parents are arguing. It’s good to see them having fun and it’s the only time that I actually have to spend with them.” That’s another reason why I love this park; I see a lot of families here. Just the other night I saw a mother with her three sons, the boys were on their skate-boards and the mom was watching them and reading a book.

What I enjoy about the park besides the fact it’s newer than the other parks is that it’s on the South Side and there’s not any tacky tagging, but I found out if there is they have people to clean it off. I am not trying to give the South Side a bad name but there are a lot of parks where you’ll see tagging. I’m sure that’s everywhere but to have a decent park that’s clean and in good condition, it’s an improvement for this side of town. Of course for those who clean up the park and make sure all is going well and rules are being followed, they work for the city.

Every goes to a park for different reasons such as birthday parties, social events, playing sports, and picnics. Sarah Ralston, 25, says “Jerry and I were walking to the park from the small trail when we became an official couple. I don’t think many people know about it because I hardly see people here, but I love it because it’s hidden, clean, and spacious.” “Kristi Aguilera, 18, “I’m such a tom-boy me and some of my guy friends love coming here on the weekends playing football; we can play for hours.” There’s so much space I love to run around, just friends tackling friends. Or playing soccer, which is my favorite sport. It’s very roomy and surrounded by trees so if you kick the ball you don’t have to worry about it going into the road.

For those who are looking to buy a new house to call your home, what’s a better place to look at then the new KB Home Subdivision at the end of the trail of the park? You would have a new house, a walking distance to a clean park which means you save on gas, and it’s good for family bonding. For those who have children in school Medina Base Park is in the South San Antonio ISD.

Well if you want to check out this park I enjoy going to, look up a map on and head on over, maybe I’ll see you there!

ADDRESS: 6303 Medina Base Road
San Antonio, Texas

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Meaning of Two Photos In My Eyes

I’m much into photography so I chose two photos by Jane Hammond one is called Perpetual Love and the other one is Bee Line Trucking.

Perpetual Love is a black and white photo that shows two female children playing a ping pong game looking at an old building next to them. The building has windows with no glass so the girls can see clearly what going on in the building. You see a girl bending over and a middle-aged man spanking that girl with a paddle. When I see this photo I see something that would be true, something that people would actually do in the past.

Bee Line Trucking is a black and white photo but I think the art in it has some photo shop in this picture. It’s a photo of a Bee Line eighteen-wheeler truck that jacked-knifed and went out of control off the highway. The reason I said it looks like it was photo shop was because on the bended reeling there’s a giant slug. The photo reminds me of reality with fiction. The reality is accidents can always happen; car accidents are going on everyday and everywhere at any time of day. The fiction is there’s no way there is a 4 foot slug in this world.

Both photos stood out to me because I felt like I understood why Jane Hammond captured those photos. You automatically see the meaning and the feelings towards those photos. I found them to be rough, a flash-back, and something someone out in this world can relate to. Maybe my grandma was playing ping pong with her sister and saw their neighbors through the window getting spanked with a paddle. Or the truck loosing control and getting off the road into an accident. I know I can relate to that because my car flipped over from hw35 to 410.

I read an article from The New York Times that was written back in 2002 about Jane Hammond’s art work. The article was called To a Painter, Words are Worth a Thousand Pictures. What made me understand Jane’s art work more is when I read a part in the article about changing the word painting to novel. “And that is to make paintings “as complicated, inconsistent, varied, and multifaceted as you are, as I am, as life is.””

So whenever you have the time and you want to go see some amazing art, you can catch some of Jane’s photography at the McNay Museum. Trust me you don’t want to miss it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Known to Build Bird Houses

Samuel Mirelez was known for the bird houses he made; he recently passed away this year on September 17th with an extensive encounter of cancer. He is known as a husband, father, friend, and the man who build birdhouses.

I was reading an article on Samuel from Southern Living called “Price of Art.” It spoke about many of things, such as, how his bird houses would run from $15 to $250, it just depends on the size and the materials he needed. He made bird houses replicas of the Titanic (8feet long), Tower of Americas, the Leaning Tower, the Eiffel Tower and much more. His inspiration would come from post cards, pictures, books, and every bird house was free hand. For a big detailed bird house his daughter estimated it would take him up to 3 to 4 hours to finish depending what type of bird house he would be working on.

Ivan Mirelez (daughter of Samuel Mirelez), “My father started building the bird houses about 20years after he retired from Kelly A.F.B.” Ivan tells me that her father was invited to a Governor’s Party when George Bush was Governor, so Samuel did a replica of the White House for Bush. Underneath the bird house he left a note saying to Bush he would be living in that house one day just like his father. Since Bush becoming president, every year he would send Samuel a Christmas card.

Who knows maybe you’ll have a hobby and become known for what you enjoy doing, for Samuel Mirelez he’ll be known as the man who built the bird houses.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Art at SAMA

At the San Antonio Museum of Art, there are amazing paintings. One painting that stood out in my eyes was one called “Sportsman’s Trophy” by Alexander Pope. This painting shows contrast and value, making this piece of art looking 3-D.

The contrast is shown by the dark background and the antlers are a yellow-tan color which stands out. Another contrast that this painting has is the dead birds and the dark green background, the birds are brown, tan, with a little bit of white because those colors or light it makes the birds stand out.

The value for the painting is just about the same things with the objects that deal with contrast. You have you light colors and dark colors. This painting deals with lots of dark colors such as, the background that’s a dark green where to it almost looks black. You also have a lot of browns, such as, the guns hanging on the antlers, the birds, and other objects. As far as your light colors it’s only a tan or white color which is the antlers, the stomach area of the dead birds, and small other objects I can’t make out what it is.

In conclusion, this art work is what is known to be representational which something realistic is; things that are in the real world. Once again it deals with contrast and value that makes this art work look 3-D.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The AGUA Presentation

During the Presentation with Elyzabeth Earnely, I come to learn that she worked with AUGA in January. She also graduated from Trinity and the City Counsel passed budget “The decision makes” and approved or denied for AUGA. Thursday during the day to speak out for AGUA (Zoney Commission). Most people in society don’t really know about how the water system works.
I learned that once a week you can speak out and try to get help from development services from Zoney and San Antonio Water System (SAWS). SAWS review questions like the purpose land used allowed in ERZD (Recharged Zone). They also find out Water Pollution Abatement Plan (WPAP). I found out that she is a very responsible person that cares about the water system.
The water system also does a site visit and negotiate with land owner. Impervious Cover (made out of conquest) any impermeable construction covering the natural land surface. Fithteen percent maximum is impervious cover but the water ysem company. I feel that our guest speaker is making a difference and it shows that anyone at any age should step up for what they believe in.
In conclusion, when wanting to speak out, it’s best to go to the City Council. What I learned is by building a commercial or residential area open land, it hurts our water system.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hill Side Acers, My Neighborhood

How well do you know your neighborhood? I began days ago to interview people in my neighborhood starting with my mother. She has been living in Hill Side Acers for 45years, she says, “I feel safe in my neighborhood because I know my neighbors.”

So I continued on with my interviews with a small stroll in my neighborhood, as I went next door. On a nice sunny breezy day, I spoke to my neighbors on the right side of my house, I wish I could have spoken to my neighbors on my left but they moved out. Having a fantastic conversation with my neighbors I found out that they’ve lived in their house and the neighborhood for 49 years. It was interesting when speaking to the Luna’s because I found out that the house they’re living in, they built them selves. “I love my neighborhood because I own my own mobile park, but my dislikes is that there’s too many lose dogs dunning around lose,” said Eusebia Luna, 79. By the way I love my neighbors because they’ve seen me grow up and have been there for me, they’re my grandparents.

A few houses down there is Irene Bustemante, who is my grandma’s best friend, they’ve been friends for years. Irene is like a second grandma to me, she said “It’s good to know your neighbors and get the chance to see them when you go to the store or church.”

One thing I love about my neighborhood is I know the people from church or going to school with them. It’s great when I go running at the Miller’s Pond down the street and I run into someone from elementary or middle school and we just begin to reminisce about things.

I grew up going to Devine Providence Catholic Church, our priest for the time being is from Africa and it’s a benefit and comfort that he lives in our neighborhood just in case anyone needs him.

Something I found out that’s really neat is that there’s three generations living in our neighborhood. For example, my grandparents, my mom, and my sister and me; not only us but there’s other third generations of families living in the Hill Side Acers community.

I have lived in my house and neighborhood my whole life of 20 years, to grow up and go to school, church, and the park with people I learned to know makes me feel safe. I can go put gas at the Valero and have a conversation with my friend’s dad; I can be at church and after mass start having a chat with a budding from college. During the day when I have time to sit outside I see the boys from the corner house playing basketball and I notice when the school buses drop off all the kids I see how each generation is changing. At night when I don’t have to wake up early I enjoy going to my back yard, lying down on the trampoline just looking up at the stars. Sometimes I hear the train and coyotes because behind my back yard are the woods, but other nights I can hear people when the have a party with loud music and chaos. I love my neighborhood.